Sheep Stealer

Sheep Stealer STYLE Saison/Irish Farmhouse Ale ABV 5.6% COLOUR Gold BODY Light/Medium Flavour Crisp tartness, counterbalanced by a lingering malt sweetness and lively, natural carbonation. Notes of stone fruit, citrus and black pepper complement each other, and the subtle hop bitterness. A distinct and complex saison yeast character completes the Sheep Stealer experience. Food Pairing…

Best Craft Beer Podcasts

Start 2023 off the right way with the Best Craft Beer Podcasts. If you have made some New year resolutions like ‘Dry January’, these podcasts are perfect for when you need to hear about beer when not drinking it. If it’s your new mission to try more craft beers this year for ‘Tryanuary’ then beer…

Black Donkey Beer Label Artwork

Behind every beer label is an interesting story! At Black Donkey Brewing, each beer was developed from a story, an experience or ancient folklore. You can own a part of this rich art history through our Beer Label Collectors Pack. If you enjoy Black Donkey Beer label artwork, scroll on to learn more about the…

Christmas Gift Ideas Blog Header black donkey logo with christmas hat on

Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas 2023 may seem like a long time away but preparation is key when it comes to Christmas gift ideas that they can shout and not pout about! Why just have Turkey, when you can have a Black Donkey Beer for Christmas! Scroll on to check out our gift suggestions from budget to beyond! With…

Night and Day festival 2022 cover image

Night & Day Festival 2022

The Black Donkey train rolls into the Night And Day festival as our first official event of the Autumn. We are delighted to be serving our delicious brews to festival goers only 11km from the brewery. If you’re in the mood for a last hurrah before the season changes, then don’t miss Night And Day.…